
Photo: Laurie Decroux.



The 50th IAC Congress will feature over 10 invited speakers, 8 member lectures, and more than 20 Breakout Sessions.

* Please note that the information on this page is subject to modifications and updates.


LECTURES: Keynote Lectures

Eleven invited speakers will address different aspects of the "Melting Pot" theme.

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LECTURES: IAC Member Lectures

Eight IAC members are part of the Congress conference programme.

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Lectures: Breakout sessions

The Congress includes 22 Breakout sessions by IAC members.

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Editorial: IAC Member Lectures

The IAC Congress 2022 also proposes a few IAC Member lectures, known as "editorials", which are available online.

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The Geneva 2022 Congress will address notions related to the "melting pot".

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The 2022 Congress features various exhibitions alongside the conferences in partnership with local and national institutions.

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