Steering Committee

The Steering Committee in front of the Ariana Museum. From left to right: Lynn Frydman Kuhn, Marie Bornet Lanz, Monique Crick, Jacques Kaufmann and Anja Seiler seated in front.

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The 50th Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics is organised by swissceramics, an association of Swiss ceramists in collaboration with the AIC. The co-organisers are the City of Geneva as well as institutions such as museums, galleries, foundations, schools and art spaces. All these political and cultural actors support the excellence and success of this international ceramic event.

Torbjørn Kvasbø, President
Jacques Kaufmann, President Emeritus
Anja Seiler, Representative for Switzerland
Charlyne Kolly, Office Coordinator
Karolina Jonhansson, Office Co-coordinator
Sophie Voirol, Administrative Assistant
Ben Evans, Coordination Assistant
Monique Crick, Member
Lynn Frydman Kuhn, Member
Marie Bornet Lanz, Member

Lynn Frydman Kuhn, President
Marie Bornet Lanz, Board Member

Steering Committee
Monique Crick: General Coordinator / Patronage / Museum Relations
Marie Bornet Lanz: Communication, assisted by Léandre Burkhard
Lynn Frydman Kuhn: Logistics
Jacques Kaufmann: Scientific programme and conferences
Anja Seiler: Relations between galleries and art schools

Exhibition Manager IAC Archives
Stéphanie Le Follic-Hadida, IAC Vice-President

Post-Tour Managers
Magdalena Gerber and Margareta Daepp

Congress and finance management agency
MCI, Geneva

Communication agency
Nask Studio, Geneva



Organising Institutions, Partners and Sponsors

The 50th IAC Congress is organised with the support of several local and national partners.

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Congress Headquarters

The International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG) will host the 2022 IAC Congress in Geneva.

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Presentation of the 50th IAC Congress and General Assembly.

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